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A Word From Our Founder

Dear Friend,


Each day, you and I awaken to a new round of leadership and policy failures. From Pennsylvania Avenue to Main Street – the sense of disappointment with government has reached a point not seen in generations. Today our nation has been swamped by powerful and unrelenting interests that work contrary to the common good. In fact, most of us take for granted that industry, special interests, and niche agendas are favored above citizens.


Over the past decade, in every locale and at every level we have been promised time-and-time again – things will be different. However, it has been decades since American’s have benefited from truly worthwhile policy successes. Thankfully, Americans have never been content with failure.


To change course, we must change America’s leadership and information culture. The ALPF’s primary mission is to develop civic minded leaders and professionals willing to put the American people first and inspire others to do the same – period. This kind of leadership is required to make our nation strong again.

The American Leadership & Policy Foundation (ALPF) was established by individuals and visionaries, who like you, understand that the status quo must change – and the time for change is now! As a former USAF Special Operations pilot, I have witnessed the fragility of democracy. Through this, I came to understand that our system of government rises and falls on this notion: public participation is the spring from which democracy grows. Thus, we each have a choice: We can water the tree of liberty or we can stand by and watch it whither.


Sadly, many have failed to act and America is teetering. However, we must not be discouraged by this present challenge. The most critical attribute of a good leader is the requisite willingness to stand for what is right in the face of overwhelming odds. Ronald Reagan said, “Let us be sure that those who come after will say of us in our time, that in our time we did everything that could be done. We finished the race; we kept them free; we kept the faith.”


Our nation is hungry for a message that provides a fresh echo of the American Promise – tomorrow will be better for all who embrace freedom and liberty. I challenge you to stand with the American Leadership & Policy Foundation. Water the tree of liberty by leading in a nation that requires the right kind of leadership to endure.


David J. Stuckenberg, Founder and Chairman

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