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Sustainable Leadership Development

ALPF is committed to developing the kind of leaders America requires to remain strong. We understand the vital role leadership plays in advancing sound policy which in turn strengthens our Republic. We must return to the kind of leadership that puts America’s interests above political expediency.


We must return to the kind of leadership that puts America’s interests above political expediency


The purpose of ALPF’s leadership development program is to attract and build leaders who will influence the political process in a positive manner. Our program identifies gifted experts and professionals who are willing to apply critical thinking, collaboration, and research to transform America’s leadership and policy making climate.


Our leadership development program is intended to directly support emerging leaders through involvement in developing and communicating innovative research findings and solutions, mentoring, networking, and goal setting. New members are paired with existing ALPF members or fellows based on their interests, skills, and location. And because networking is a vital part of business and politics; future venues will include ALPF hosted forums, campus groups, and regional gatherings.


Goal setting will focus new leaders on the four pillars of personal development:

  • Mental

  • Physical

  • Spiritual

  • Professional


With the basis of a shared a political outlook, support from ALPF, and sound leadership skills, emerging leaders will be ideally positioned to influence our nation as businessmen, fellows, or public servants in a sustained and meaningful way.

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