Remebering ALPF President Dr. Dean Dohrman
The ALPF and our nation have suffered a great loss this past week with the passing of Dr. Dean Dohrman - ALPF President; former Missouri State Representative; mentor; friend; and, to his family, son, brother, and father. We grieve this loss together with his family and offer our deepest condolences to them in this challenging time.
Dr. Dohrman was a voice of reason and a guiding light for not just the people of Missouri, but for our great nation. He was with the ALPF from its inception as not only the foundation's only member who was an elected official, but also as a more seasoned member who provided invaluable insight, wisdom and guidance. His passion was not for a political party or position, but for truth and the preservation of America and all that it means - freedom, justice and hope. As busy as he was leading Missouri’s 51st District, teaching at various schools and serving as a board member for numerous non-profits and other organizations, he made time to create the "Democracy Toolkit," which remains on the ALPF website as a testament to his burden for all Americans to understand, embrace and champion the amazing legacy left to us by the Founding Fathers.
Dr. Dohrman's legacy will also live on in our hearts, in our foundation, and in the Tree of Liberty that flourishes stronger today because of what Dr. Dohrman did to water it and preserve it for generations to come.
Visitation services will be held from 11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., with funeral services to follow, on Friday, February 9, 2024, at Rea Funeral Chapel, 3510 W. 16th St., Sedalia, Missouri.
More information about Dr. Dohrman's memorial service can be found here: